Market yourself in lights! The Chamber's new high-tech LED sign located on Palisades Blvd next to the Chamber building is a great way to share a simple ad and get great exposure.
Reported traffic at this location is approximately 77,000 cars per month!
Wait - Want even MORE?!?!
A package LED advertisement is offered in collaboration with the FH Chamber and MCO Realty, tripling your exposure!
- Only 2 advertisers per month are available to maximize ad exposure.
- Ad design assistance included in fee
- 2 slides per ad to emphasize details
- Ad can include: full color; logo; photo; contact information
- Ads are customizable
Date and Time
Thursday Aug 1, 2024
12:00 PM - 12:15 PM MST
FH Chamber Member rate: $30 per day paid monthly - $900 per month Non-Member rate: $50 per day paid monthly - $1500 per month. Package Chamber and MCO Realty LED advertisement FH Chamber Member rate: $2500 per month Non-Member rate: $3700 per month.
Contact Information
Kristin at 480-837-1654
Send Email