Meg Harper art
Mixed Media: combo/mix of media in one piece
I have a working studio to visit by appointment in N. W. Mesa.
Driving Directions:
My main cross roads are Alma School and the North 202
About Us
Our mission is to bring joy to the young and old who call animals’ kin, love kickin’ colors and who share a deep connection to the earth. Repurpose, recycle, reuse, yayyyyy!
Meg Harper loves transforming things. Her favs are minds and materials (1500+ so far). Her team loves to hunt the already loved once items. “People donate unwanted treasures to us too, and we love that!” Meg loves watching peoples’ minds be blown when she tell them a painting is on a washing machine lid, they laugh usually. She said “I usually laugh too, it’s still funny when I say it. Perfect. My scheme is working.” She is inspired to paint by her love of family, gardening, bike riding, yoga, hiking and nature. She wants to keep improving her stewardship of the earth and help to co-create a brilliant reality for us all! We are now donating to wildlife rescues in the US!
Gratitude is where it’s at. Thank you for helping to grow the glorious ripple this type of art creates. It’s important to be a light in the world. You matter. We all have opportunities to make choices every day are either in alignment with using less + recycling more or they are not. Sometimes it’s overwhelming. She said “I just do the best I can every day and remember I am enough”.
Video Media