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AccommodationsAccounting / Tax ServicesAdvertising / MarketingAir Conditioning & Heating ServicesAir Duct ServicesAlterations & TailorsAntiquesApparel / Accessories ArchitectsArt InstructionArt ShowsArtists GalleryAttorneys & Paralegal ServicesAttractionsAudio / Video ServicesAuthorAuto Body ShopAuto DetailingAuto RepairAuto Sales / Leasing / RentalsAuto Services / Titles & TagsBakeries/ Candy ShopsBanks / Financial ServicesBatikBeauty & Skin Care Consultant & ProductsBeauty and Wellness SpaBicycle Sales/Rentals/RepairsBooks and MusicBuilder and DeveloperBuilding ServicesBusiness ServicesCandles & OilsCareer Coaching & StaffingCarpet, Tile & Grout ServicesCasinosCateringCeramic - porcelain, hand thrownCeramic - sculpture, hand thrown, no greenwareCeramic - stoneware, functional/nonfunctional, raku, hand thrownCeramic: porcelain, hand thrownCeramic: sculpture, hand thrown, no greenwareCeramic: stoneware, functional/nonfunctional, raku, hand thrownChiropractic ServicesChurches/ SynagoguesClubs / OrganizationsCoaching ServicesCommunicationsCommunity AssociationComputer ServicesConcessionsConstructionCopier Equipment/ServicesCrafts - dolls, toys, soft sculpt, candles, soap, misc.Crafts: dolls, toys, soft sculpt, candles, soapCulinary Arts - edible, gourmet food typesCulinary Arts: pre-packaged, edible, gourmet food typesDance AcademiesDental ServicesDigital PrintingDonation ServicesDrawing: pen&ink, scratch board, pastels, calligraphyEducationElectriciansEngineering and Architectual DesignEntertainment / Event PlanningEnvironmental Services/Power WashingEstate Planning AttorneyEvent Equipment/RentalsEvent Planning / RentalsExport/Density MeterExterminatorsFinancial PlanningFitness & Health ClubsFlooring and RemodelingFlorists Food & Beverage ServicesFood & Furniture BanksFriends of the ChamberFundraising ServicesGeneral Contractor Wholesale SupplierGeneral ContractorsGlass - fused, stainedGlass - handblownGlass: etchedGlass: fused, stainedGlass: handblownGolf Courses / Instruction / EquipmentGreeting Cards & GiftsGrocery StoresHair SalonHandyman ServicesHardware/Building SuppliesHealth ProductsHealth ServicesHearing Aids/ServicesHolistic MedicineHome Decor/Interior DesignHome Health Care & ServicesHome InspectionsHome RemodelingHome RepairsHome Services / Organizing / CleaningHome WarrantyHome WarrantyHorseback RidingHouse Watch ServicesIce Cream Parlors / Coffee ShopsInsuranceInterior Design / FurnitureInvestment Services / BrokersJewelry - all other jewelry, costumeJewelry - Fine (14k sterling/brass, 14k gold-sterlingJewelry - RetailerJewelry - silver with lapidary, Native American, beadsJewelry: All Other Jewelry, costumeJewelry: ArtistsJewelry: Silver with Lapidary, Native American, beadsLake ToursLandscapeLaw EnforcementLeather - wearable (belts, purses, wallets, shoes, etc.)Leather: wearable (belts, purses, wallets, shoes, etc)Legal/IdentityTheft ServicesLocksmithsMassage TherapyMedical / Legal ConsultantsMedical EquipmentMental Health ServicesMetal - decorative (fountains, lamps, etc.)Metal - furnitureMetal: decorative (fountains, lamps, etc.)Metal: furnitureMixed Media - combo/mix of media on one piece Mixed Media: combo/mix of media in one pieceMortgage CompaniesMortuaryMoving CompaniesMunicipal GovernmentMusicNail SalonNewspapersNursery / LandscapePainting - acrylicPainting - oilsPainting - otherPainting - watercolorPainting ServicesPainting: acrylicPainting: oilsPainting: otherPainting: watercolorPet Services (Grooming/Training)PhotographyPhotography / Photo ServicesPhysical TherapyPhysicians / Medical ServicesPlumbersPools / SpasPostal ServicesPrinting and MarketingPrints - serigraphy, lithography, etching, engraving, embossing, collaProfessional SpeakersPromotional ItemsProperty ManagerPublicationsReal Estate AppraisersReal Estate DevelopersReal Estate Investment TrustReal Estate/National and International SalesRemoval and Hauling of Unwanted GoodsRentals / Condos & Apartments / VacationRestaurants / Sports Bar & GrillsRestorationRoofingSafety and Firearms TrainingSchools / Tutoring / DaycareSculpture - all other sculpture (cement, bird bath, etc.)Sculpture - permanent medium (bronze, cast)Sculpture: all other sculpture (cement, bird bath, etc.)Sculpture: permanent medium (bronze, cast)Senior Care ServicesSenior Independent & Assisted LivingSenior Placement ServicesSpecialty Dessert ShopStorage / Truck RentalsSubcontractors / Home ServicesTea RoomTextile Design - crochet, knittingTextile Design - embroidery, needlework, decor, quilts, etc.Textile Design - wearable clothingTextile Design: crochet, knittingTextile Design: embroidery, needlework, decor, quilts, etcTextile Design: wearable clothingTheaterTitle CompaniesTourism / Convention BureauTransportationTravel ServicesUtilities / ServicesVeterinary Video ProductionWater & Ice SupplierWater ConditioningWeaving - basketry, wall decor, rugs, etc.Weaving - clothingWeaving: basketry, wall decor, rugs, etcWeaving: clothingWebsite & Video ServicesWildlife Conservation and EducationWindows & Door ServicesWine Shops & Wine MakingWood - furnitureWood - sculpture (hand turned bowls, etc.)Wood - toys, miscellaneous Wood: furnitureWood: sculpture (hand turned bowls, etc)Wood: toys, miscellaneousYoga Instruction / Martial Arts go Results Found: 3 Button group with nested dropdown YeahYeahPonyPrince Artist Member YeahYeahPonyPrince 18082539921 Yeti Scrubs Artist Member Yeti Scrubs (918) 230-7111 Yuri's Design Artist Member Yuri's Design Fountain Hills AZ 85268 1-949-922-7995